Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Lame Duck Tries to Quack

President Bush is trying to create a legacy, not mired in the Iraq mess, with an attempt to broker a peace settlement between Israel and the Palestinian states. The problem is Bush, unlike Clinton, has zero political capital to spend. He only made it worse when he flub the photo-op where he mispronounced both names and then had to be told what would be a better photo-op. The Bush administration has only made the region more dangerous.

This joke of an attempt at a peace settlement was only made more laughable when Bush invited Syria to the table. Remember when Nancy Pelosi was criticized for visiting Syria? The argument was that she was legitimizing this terrorist nation. What is Bush doing by inviting them in an attempt to garner peace between Israel and Palestine? This lame attempt to broker peace is not the miracle to get this lame duck walking or quacking.

1 comment:

yvoss said...

In such an unstable area, periodic attempts must be made to calm things down. I thing we all know the Arab world would like to annihilate Israel, so any attempt to bring peace to the area should be applauded.

For over 50 years, different leaders, both Democrat and Republican, have tried unsuccessfully to broker some kind of peace. Baby steps have been taken and I think Bush's attempt is no different than leaders' of the past. At President, he has an obligation to give it a try.