Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Palin Didn't Know Africa was a Continent
Wow. I hope she does run for President in 2012 against Barack Obama. Then we'll see a Reagan vs. Mondale type landslide.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Mac Is Back in the Senate
Obama was just declared the 44th President of the United States. The politics of division are hopefully dead. I hope Obama can fulfill his promise and bring America and the rest of the world together. Sen McCain will be back in the senate.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Election Night Prediction
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Creepiest McCain Moment Ever
Good job, good job, good job. (Creepy, creepy, creepy)
You can really tell McCain loathes Obama and he really hate losing. Obama 3 for 3. Give a day to Obama
You can really tell McCain loathes Obama and he really hate losing. Obama 3 for 3. Give a day to Obama
Barack Obama,
Election 08,
John McCain,
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Campaign First Glimpse of Administration
Its been said that the choice of Vice President is a Presidential candidate's first "executive" decision. To take the analogy a step further the running of a Presidential campaign is a reflection of an Presidential Administration. Well, Sen. John McCain's campaign is in chaos and erratic so its fair to say that is how his administration will be. His campaign is in such chaos his own brother is blasting his campaign. The Obama campaign, on the other hand, which has long had the motto "no drama," is cool, organized and effective. The choice is yours come November 4th, but the best choice is Obama. Give a day to Obama
Barack Obama,
Campaign 08,
John McCain,
Friday, October 10, 2008
John "McNasty" McCain's Week YouTube Edition
McCain's campaign went 100% negative this week. Of course, most know this is a desperate measure and a clear signal of a campaign that has "no vision for America's future", in John McCain's own words:
The week started with Gov. Sarah Palin the self-described barracuda decided to call Sen. Barack Obama a terrorist
Of course, the Ayres connection has been debunked by every media outlet except Fox and Friends which Obama's spokesperson did a brilliant job of calling them out on :
The truth is McCain/Palin camp is trying to distract voters because they know, as McCain's spokesperson said, "If we keep talking about the economic crisis, we lose." The McCain camp decided the issue they'll try to win on is to paint Barack Obama as "the other" and non-American and a non-person. McCain even referred to Obama as "that one" during the debates. Which voters thought was childish.
McCain's nasty offensive this week riled up his crazy base. The shouted at campaign rallies that Obama is a "terrorist," a "traitor" and he should be "killed."
And don't tell me John McCain didn't hear that guy say terrorist because he obviously had a reaction.
As the McCain supporters got nastier and nastier, McCain slipped further in the polls. John McCain's negatives went way up even a Fox News poll shows Obama has a 60% favorable rating to 34% unfavorable and McCain favorable rating is 53% to 40%. The backlash didn't stop there many staunch supporters of McCain are disgusted with his attacks.
In an ironic twist McCain, after inciting the wingnuts into a rabid frenzy, was forced to defend Obama and the wingnuts reacted with boos.
Obama, of course, reacted to this week with his usual cool demeanor that has won him all the debates
The week started with Gov. Sarah Palin the self-described barracuda decided to call Sen. Barack Obama a terrorist
Of course, the Ayres connection has been debunked by every media outlet except Fox and Friends which Obama's spokesperson did a brilliant job of calling them out on :
The truth is McCain/Palin camp is trying to distract voters because they know, as McCain's spokesperson said, "If we keep talking about the economic crisis, we lose." The McCain camp decided the issue they'll try to win on is to paint Barack Obama as "the other" and non-American and a non-person. McCain even referred to Obama as "that one" during the debates. Which voters thought was childish.
McCain's nasty offensive this week riled up his crazy base. The shouted at campaign rallies that Obama is a "terrorist," a "traitor" and he should be "killed."
And don't tell me John McCain didn't hear that guy say terrorist because he obviously had a reaction.
As the McCain supporters got nastier and nastier, McCain slipped further in the polls. John McCain's negatives went way up even a Fox News poll shows Obama has a 60% favorable rating to 34% unfavorable and McCain favorable rating is 53% to 40%. The backlash didn't stop there many staunch supporters of McCain are disgusted with his attacks.
In an ironic twist McCain, after inciting the wingnuts into a rabid frenzy, was forced to defend Obama and the wingnuts reacted with boos.
Obama, of course, reacted to this week with his usual cool demeanor that has won him all the debates
Campaign 08,
Negative Campaign,
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Palin Exceeds Expectations
I'm shocked, shocked. Also, the bar was so low for Gov. Palin the only way she wouldn't exceed expectation is if she burped all her answers. Also, she was repeating well rehearsed answers. Also, she didn't help her candidate because she didn't draw a distinction between McCain and Bush. Also I would have loved to hear Sen. Biden say at least once to Gov. Palin "I would like to hear the answer to the original question." Also I hope if McCain wins he lives all four years. Also, she said the word "also" way too many times. Also, she wasn't a Vice President candidate up there she was a beauty queen contest candidate.
Joe Biden,
Red State Update,
Sarah Palin
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Do You Benefit from McCain's or Obama's Tax Cut Plan?
Here is a quick look to see which tax plan benefits whom. Obviously, McCain's, like Bush's favors the rich and Obama's favors the middle-class and working-poor. Some would argue that middle-class in major cities like New York and Los Angeles probably falls under the 111,000 to 160,000 category. Its true, you get a slightly larger tax cut from McCain, but is an extra $1.12 a day really worth all Bush-like policies you also get from McCain?

Saturday, September 13, 2008
RNC Hijacks Obama's More of the Same Ad
After the Republican convention McCain stipulated that the election was not about experience, but about change. McCain and Palin are trying to say they, not Obama, represent change. Now the RNC has hijacked Obama's "More of the Same" ads by trying to tie him to the so-called "liberals" in the Senate. The problem with this line of attack is: the average voter doesn't know who most of the Senators in the ads are. Also, showing a bunch of old guys that have been in the Senate for years only reminds voters that John McCain is one of those old guys. However, Obama's "More of the Same" ads feature President Bush, everyone knows who he is and know his horrible policies. But good-luck Republicans!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Obama Hits McCain and Palin Where it Hurts
Brilliant ad by Obama campaign. This is one of the things they need to keep doing, going after Gov. Palin with smart and true ads. They are finally attacking McCain's perceived strength that he's a "maverick." Great job Obama! Click here if the video below doesn't work.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
John McCain's Speech
John McCain's speech was just as horrible as everyone thought it would be. Never mind the protesters they're idiots and make Obama supporters look bad. One of the funniest lines was that Palin was a small business owner, he didn't mention that she received a certificate of involuntary dissolution because she didn't pay her taxes. McCain offered no details just red-meat for his all white audience. I've said it once and I'll say it again John McCain's campaign is so divisive it will cause him to have an ineffectual presidency just like Bush. Last thing, the POW card is getting really, really old.
Cindy McCain,
Convention Speech,
Cindy "Plastic-Face" McCain's Speech
Cindy McCain is a worse speaker than John McCain. I didn't think that was possible. She sounded like she was reading a bedtime story. Contrast that to Michelle Obama's convention speech. I wonder how much the outfit she wore tonight cost? The dress she wore on Monday cost $300,000 dollars. At least, they let their adopted daughter (You know, the one she lied and said Mother Tersea told her to adopt.) on stage unlike the cover of People magazine. I guess people magazine has too wide of an audience unlike the RNC convention.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Palin Experience Arguement Undercuts McCain
Tonight at the RNC convention Republicans kept making the argument that Gov. Palin has executive experience unlike Obama and Biden. For example, Hawaiian Governor Linda Lingle made this statement, "I find it especially amusing that the other party says Gov. Palin lacks experience when their own candidates for president and vice president have no executive experience. Zero," she said. And neither does John McCain, so the conclusion is Palin should be on top of the ticket because she is more qualified than McCain. Is this the argument they want to make? Don't worry though insurance metrics show that McCain can make it through his first term. So if elected we don't have to worry about crazy Palin being President.
McCreepy and the Beauty Queen
Monday, September 1, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Clinton: "No Way, No How, No McCain"
Thankfully Hillary's speech was well receive by the all important media. Now, they'll finally shut up that the Democrats are divided. I wonder if they cover how the conservatives hate McCain? I also liked the line by Clinton "McCain and Bush twins in the Twin City." She was great. Enjoy
MSM: Sharks Waiting for Blood
Why is the main stream media so desperate to hear attacks against McCain at the DNC convention? Because they love negative campaigns. While its true that McCain's convention will be non-stop Obama-bashing, Obama is trying to change politics. McCain's negative campaign may be successful, because the average American voter is stupid. Yes, its true. If McCain wins the Karl Rove way, it will cause him to be just like Bush, unpopular and ineffective. Because his Karl Rove campaign sole purpose is to divide America and simply win by one or two percentage points. The same thing will happen to Obama if he wins by running a negative, divisive campaign. Obama has a tough challenge trying to find a balance between attacking McCain and providing a positive change to politics. Obama has already proved he can win, because he beat one of the best political machines: the Clintons. Well, while Chris Matthews was waxing nostalgic on MSNBC a little Munchkin was giving this fiery and a little crazy speech. Here's your chum:
Monday, August 25, 2008
Obama Just too Positve to Be President
I'm watching the post DNC convention show on MSNBC and they're actually saying that Obama should have spent the night attacking McCain because that is what McCain will do every night, during the RNC convetion, to Obama. They thought Michelle Obama's speech was just too upbeat. WTF?
McCain: Leave Me Alone I Was a POW
The Obama campaign made a huge mistake when they rebuffed Gen. Wesely Clark for doing what Republicans a la Karl Rove do, go after your opponent's perceived strength. A nasty tactic but it works. Clark simply stated an obvious and true point that McCain's POW status doesn't qualify him to be President. McCain, sensing that this is his new trump card, responded to his house problem, on the Tonight Show, with this quip, "I spent five years without a kitchen." His years as a POW is now his campaign's response to all criticism. His advocates are even using it as an excuse for cheating on his wife with sexy-plastic-face Cindy, giving him access to a fortune. The Obama campaign has to figure out a way to do jit-jitsu with this defense. Although, McCain might be doing the work for them.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Obama, Where is My txt msg?
Can Obama just annouce his VP pick already. I'm dying here.
Oh and McCain is so rich he can't keep track of how many houses he has.
Answer 7
Update: YES! Its Biden . Hopefully Obama won't leash him.
Oh and McCain is so rich he can't keep track of how many houses he has.
Answer 7
Update: YES! Its Biden . Hopefully Obama won't leash him.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Showdown at the Church: Pander-bear vs Obama
John McCain is a complete panderer. The LA Times and other media outlets had some good coverage of the "debate" between John "Pander-bear" McCain and Obama. Basically, John McCain answered serious questions by popping open his campaign-in-a-can answers (and he cheated) while Obama's answers were more thoughtful and sincere. If this is any indication of the debates, Obama will wipe the floor with McCain.
BTW you're only rich if you're yearly income is 5 million which Obama rightly points out that means, according to McCain 3 million a year is middle class.
BTW you're only rich if you're yearly income is 5 million which Obama rightly points out that means, according to McCain 3 million a year is middle class.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Drill Here, Drill Now Slogan Wins
In a feat for Big Oil, Nancy Pelosi announced she is open to voting on Offshore drilling. Of course, she had to cave-in when 70% of those polled say they want to "Drill Here, Drill Now." It seems like a simple choice and the arguments against it don't come with an easily digestible, cute slogan. The truth is these oil companies already hold leases to over 70 million acres that they are not using. Sen. Russ Fieldgold of Wisconsin has a great plan to expire unused leases. I think Democrats need to adopt the slogan "Drill There, Drill Now."
The complicated argument is that when they do start drilling offshore it will take 10 years to get that oil into production and then the oil companies will simply sell it on the open market. Now during the ANWAR drilling debate there as a proposal to keep that oil available only to the US market, of course, Republican insisted it be stripped out. See Republicans aren't concerned about reducing our dependency on foreign oil, they just want to help their oil buddies out.
John McCain's energy policy consists of a offshore drilling and a prize. Barack Obama's energy plan is comprehensive. But Obama's plan doesn't look nice across my chest or on my bumper so "Drill Here, Drill Now."
The complicated argument is that when they do start drilling offshore it will take 10 years to get that oil into production and then the oil companies will simply sell it on the open market. Now during the ANWAR drilling debate there as a proposal to keep that oil available only to the US market, of course, Republican insisted it be stripped out. See Republicans aren't concerned about reducing our dependency on foreign oil, they just want to help their oil buddies out.
John McCain's energy policy consists of a offshore drilling and a prize. Barack Obama's energy plan is comprehensive. But Obama's plan doesn't look nice across my chest or on my bumper so "Drill Here, Drill Now."
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Watch this Scary Video
One of the most powerful videos I've seen. Angelina Jolie needs to watch this, it will help her make up her mind.
John Edwards had an Affair!
Russia invaded Georgia (not the state) but lets talk about John Edward's sorrid affair. Because nothing spells politics like S-E-X. Did you know John McCain had an affair? Yes, its true. He left his badly injured wife for his current Plastic Surgery Case Study. Back then only Reagan was pissed. But this is a new media and they love a scandal. And which news organization broke the news and left the MSM chasing their tail? National Enquirer.
Who cares! Russia invaded Georgia, not the state.
Who cares! Russia invaded Georgia, not the state.
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