Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Lame Duck Tries to Quack

President Bush is trying to create a legacy, not mired in the Iraq mess, with an attempt to broker a peace settlement between Israel and the Palestinian states. The problem is Bush, unlike Clinton, has zero political capital to spend. He only made it worse when he flub the photo-op where he mispronounced both names and then had to be told what would be a better photo-op. The Bush administration has only made the region more dangerous.

This joke of an attempt at a peace settlement was only made more laughable when Bush invited Syria to the table. Remember when Nancy Pelosi was criticized for visiting Syria? The argument was that she was legitimizing this terrorist nation. What is Bush doing by inviting them in an attempt to garner peace between Israel and Palestine? This lame attempt to broker peace is not the miracle to get this lame duck walking or quacking.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Mortgage Crisis: Blame Allen Greenspan

Who's responsible for the mortgage crisis? Its easy to blame consumers. They should have been smarter and should have known their limits. However, how can you blame consumers when the Fed Charmain, Allen Greenspan, was out touting risky variable rate mortgages? If children learn from their parents, don't citizens learn from their government? We have a current government that is living off credit so is it a surprise that there is a credit crisis? Remember that Presidents Bush's answer to a national crisis was go out and shop.

What is the solution to the current mortgage crisis? The Republicans have no problem bailing out corporations , most famously the airlines, when they're in trouble but are against a call to help consumers. At least, President Bush vowed that he would not support a corporate bail-out for mortgage lenders. Personally, I like John Edwards plan. Edwards calls for a curb of risky mortgages and more oversight of predetory lenders. This crisis shows that we need more consumer education and more oversight.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

The War on War

If there is one topic I have had enough of, it's the war in Iraq and the subsequent war on the war raging in congress. It makes me want to wrap myself in stories of K-Fed and Britney’s custody battle. Of course, it’s one topic that just can’t be avoided so to follow my blogmates’ suit my first post will also be about Iraq.

It has been pretty well established that the war was a mistake and the Bush Administration cherry-picked the intelligence to bolster support for the war. That is why support for the war was so high during the initial invasion. The reason why public support has dropped so dramatically is because Americans now realize the war was a mistake. Of course now the line is that it is essential to the war on terror. Fight them there so we don’t have to fight them here. I wonder which sect will come over here to fight us the Sunnis or the Shiites?

How anyone can argue that the war in Iraq is essential part of the war on terror is beyond me. The war in Iraq has been a major distraction from the war on terror. That is why according the State Department terrorist attacks have been steadily increasing with a sharp rise last year. We still haven’t caught Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban is back and still fighting in Afghanistan. The war has also weakened our military strength as General George Casey told Congress last week.

Why shouldn’t we set a timetable for pulling out of Iraq? We set timelines for the Iraqis to form a government, form a constitution and to hold elections. By not setting timetables there is not impetuous for a political solution or for the Iraqis to get their military trained. That doesn’t mean pulling out of the region just out of Iraq we can redeploy the troops to other countries in the region as Congressman John Murtha has been calling for the last two years. No one is calling for surrender, besides, we won the war in Iraq a long time ago remember?