Monday, August 25, 2008

McCain: Leave Me Alone I Was a POW

The Obama campaign made a huge mistake when they rebuffed Gen. Wesely Clark for doing what Republicans a la Karl Rove do, go after your opponent's perceived strength. A nasty tactic but it works. Clark simply stated an obvious and true point that McCain's POW status doesn't qualify him to be President. McCain, sensing that this is his new trump card, responded to his house problem, on the Tonight Show, with this quip, "I spent five years without a kitchen." His years as a POW is now his campaign's response to all criticism. His advocates are even using it as an excuse for cheating on his wife with sexy-plastic-face Cindy, giving him access to a fortune. The Obama campaign has to figure out a way to do jit-jitsu with this defense. Although, McCain might be doing the work for them.

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